Very simply put, hypnobirthing means the use of hypnosis techniques during birthing.
The philosophy of the course is easy to remember: "It's all about positive birth!" Everything you learn in my classes revolves around how to have the best birth possible... for you!
When you enrol in the Positive Birthing Program™ you learn all about how hypnosis can help during labour. But this is only a small part of my classes!
So what will I learn?
In my classes you will learn:
What your body and baby do during labour
How hypnosis works and how you can use it during labour
All about your options during pregnancy and birth
Practical ways your birth partner can support you

Check out the full outline of the course here.
Does it actually work?
Yep. Talk to anyone you know who did hypnobirthing and they'll tell you how much it helped them, no matter the circumstances of their birth.
In 2019-2020, Kasey Biggar delivered the Positive Birth Program TM to parents expecting a baby at Bunbury Hospital, WACHS, Western Australia.
She collected data over a year long period and compared the birth outcomes of those who attended our Positive Birth Program with those who didn’t. Some findings from the data included:
> significantly increase positive feelings of excitement & preparation for labour and birth for parents
> increase spontaneous vaginal births
> decrease medical interventions
All parents who completed the survey felt more positive and prepared for birth at the completion of the course than they did prior.
In an overwhelming response, we increased birthing woman’s excitement and preparedness for labour and birth by over 70%.
When she shared the amazing results with the Western Australian Country Health Service, they were so impressed they made our program available throughout ALL of their health services!
After the classes women were asked their likelihood of referring others to the Positive Birth Program would be. 100% of women said they would refer the class to others.
The skills you learn in my classes are evidence-based, achievable, and actually work.
Why should I come to your classes?
My classes are designed to help you and your birth partner really hone in on what an ideal birth experience would look like for you, and how to achieve that. You'll leave feeling calm, empowered and excited for your upcoming birth.
My group classes give you the chance to meet other expecting parent, which can be a really nice way to make some new mum and dad friends. My private classes allow for me to tailor the course information more specifically to your needs and can be held in the privacy of your own home.

Do I have to go natural?
No. Hypnobirthing is not about having a natural birth. It's about having a positive birth.
You will find out about how physiological birth works and what your body and baby can do during labour if there are no interruptions. And you also learn about interventions that may be offered and decide what your preferences are for any circumstances during labour.
There is no "right" way to give birth. There is no "right" place to give birth. What matters is what feels right to YOU.
In my classes, you will learn what to expect during birth and what your options are, putting you in the best position to have an amazing birth.
Alright, I'm interested. When should I do classes?
The good news is: you can start preparing for your amazing birth at any stage! I've had clients join me as early as 14 weeks and as late as 36 weeks.
