Leah's amazing birth story
King Edward Memorial Hospital, Perth
Baby Jude, 2.67kg
39 weeks
I had a very positive labour and birth even if it did last 20 hours 😊
I went into spontaneous labour a week early on Wednesday 16th August straight after the Women’s World Cup semi-final where Australia played England (seemed very fitting for us).
I stayed at home as long as possible and ended up going into hospital at 3am to find I was 4cm dilated. For the majority of my labour I used the Tens machine with music on, lights off, using a night light only and breathing through the contractions. Eventually the midwife broke my waters which helped me go from 4 to 10cm very quickly, to which we then used the birthing pool and gas & air, I then became very relaxed which unfortunately slowed everything down.

From the birthing pool, to the shower to different positions on the bed the doctors started getting involved as I had been in the pushing stage for 6 hours and I was physically exhausted so I agreed to the epidural. An hour later Baby Jude Alban Race was born on 17th August, weighing 2670, tiny baby born with a full head of hair.
If it wasn’t for your hypnobirthing course we wouldn’t have been confident going into the unknown, and we wouldn’t have known half the tools and techniques to use during labour, so thank you very much for all your knowledge and guidance. We have recommend hypnobirthing to everyone we talk to 😊
Topics: TENS machine ARM gas birth pool epidural