Bianca's amazing birth story
Baby Riley
42 weeks + 1 day
We narrowly avoided an induction, I was actually booked at 42+1, but I went into spontaneous labour myself the night of 42 weeks! My midwife was amazing and as soon as I updated that I was in early labour she cancelled my induction and said “have a beautiful day getting into labour” which is exactly what it was!
We just spent the day at home relaxing, talking, watching funny movies to boost that oxytocin and of course worked through surges that were very manageable.
Unfortunately, because my pregnancy had gone beyond 42 weeks, I was required to birth in hospital instead of at home. We headed in early evening as my surges had increased in intensity and I had started to feel some pressure. We took our birth pool that we had hired to the hospital and my husband worked hard to inflate and fill the pool once we arrived! 3hrs later I had a beautiful natural water delivery at 9:18pm! All was well with bub and I and we went home 4hrs after birth. Nothing better than getting to snuggle your brand new baby in your own bed after going through the most intense but incredible labour experience! ​

Thank you so much for your course. Hypnobirthing and the positive affirmations we listened to through pregnancy and leading up to birth really helped me to believe in myself that I could achieve the birth that I wanted! Even in the most intense part of my labour, I never even thought of the E word (epidural 😊), like it wasn’t even an option.
I am looking into doing the hypnobirthing practitioner course myself as I truly believe in the power of educating women how capable they are and how to navigate having a voice in the system!
Topics: birth pool water birth second birth