Sharon's amazing birth story
King Edward Memorial Hospital, Perth
Baby Eden, 2.7kg
41 weeks
At my 40 week appointment at the Birth Center, my fundal height was measuring small and hadn’t changed since 36 weeks so we went to King Eddy's for some scans only to discover that our little girl was in fact really small, and we started having the conversations with the obstetrician to get induced as soon as possible as she was now classed as a IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) baby.
We felt really out of our depths, but used the BRAIN technique we’d learned about from your class to come up with the plan that we’d carry on at home and if we didn’t go into labour spontaneously, come in for an induction a week later.
Well we then spent the week trying all the techniques... but nothing seemed to be getting things kick started. We ended up going in for induction on Monday 3rd July in the evening.
While we weren’t in labour yet, a vaginal check it showed I was already 2cm dilated and effaced enough that I didn’t need any cervical ripening – I’m sure this was because of all the home techniques we had used! All that was needed was for the midwife to pop my waters and put the syntocinon drip in. This was around 10pm and from here I went straight into active labour. I bounced on the fit ball, used my TENS machine, did all the breathing techniques from the course and had my AirPods in listening to the hypno tracks. After only 4 hours I’d dilated to 8cm and by the time it came round to 3.30am I started pushing. That was definitely the hardest part for me, I had my crisis of confidence and said things like ‘I can’t do this!’
She was born at 4.20am and we had a beautiful bonding moment of skin-to-skin and I felt all the joy when they placed her on my chest. It was quite a magical moment after such an exhausting few hours. We called her Eden and she was only 2.7kg. But healthy all round otherwise.
All in all, the hypnobirthing techniques helped us have a fairly pain-management-free birth, no real interventions, a quick-ish first birth and lots of calmness in the hours of surging before she was born, despite it being an induction.
I think we’re going really well now, just finding our feet as parents learning Eden’s cries and how to feed and make sure we sleep! It’s a pretty special time and we’re really in love with her. We have an amazing community too and have been very lucky to have a meal train for 2 weeks and lots of presents and family support too.
Topics: IUGR induction syntocinon TENS machine ARM
skin-to-skin support after birth BRAIN technique exercise ball